
Showing posts from March, 2023

Preventing Mice Infestations: Tips From The Pros

Mice are notorious for their ability to invade homes and cause damage to both property and health. In Orange County, California, mice infestations are a common problem, particularly during the fall and winter months. But, there are ways to prevent these unwanted visitors from taking up residence in your home.  Below are some important tips from the pros on how to prevent mice infestations in Orange County.   Keep your home clean and tidy Mice are attracted to homes with easy access to food and water. Therefore, it is essential to keep your home clean and tidy. Make sure to clean up food spills and crumbs immediately, keep trash cans tightly sealed, and store food in airtight containers. Also, make sure to clean up pet food and water dishes regularly. Seal up entry points Mice can enter a home through even the tiniest of openings. Seal up cracks and holes in walls, floors, and foundations with caulk or other sealants. Make sure to inspect your home thoroughly and seal any openings aroun